The most beautiful blog post ever*


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to share with you the short-list for the Ubuntu Karmic Koala Wallpaper’s Competition.

We had so many fantastic entries and so little space on the final CD. At last count, 19 fabulous wallpapers made it onto the final image!

I can’t thank everyone enough for their fantastic contributions. I wish there had been space for more and maybe, with a little help and some technical cleverness we can make it easier for people to select directly from the pool; good idea?

Below are the images that made it into the final selection. If your favourite isn’t on the CD it will be made available as a separate package!

Now, what shall we do for Lucid?

*until Ubuntu 10.04, of course!

About the author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at


By Ivanka

About Author


Ivanka Majic works in technology. She was Head of Design for Ubuntu, service managed Digital Marketplace through to beta, was acting director of digital for the Labour Party. She lives and works in Brighton where she works with the council’s digital first team, does a bit of teaching at Sussex University, and works with her husband on projects like and the BRAVOs. She has also started a podcast with her friend Michael which you can listen to at